Sacco e Vanzetti

Bartolomeo Vanzetti


Bartolomeo Vanzetti (1888-1927)

Nato l'11 giugno 1888 nella piccola città di Villafalletto, figlio di un agricoltore, emigrò negli Stati Uniti all'età di 20 anni. Vanzetti si stabilì nel Plymouth, Massachusetts.

Bartolomeo Vanzetti was born in the Italian town of Villaffalletto on 11th June, 1888. The son of a farmer, Vanzetti emigrated to the United States when he was twenty years old. Vanzetti settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts, where he worked as a fish peddler. Vanzetti was shocked by the way working class immigrants were treated in America and became involved in left-wing politics. He went to anarchist meetings where he met Nicola Sacco, an Italian immigrant working in a shoe-factory in Stoughton, Massachusetts. The two men became friends and often attended the same political meetings together.

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